Playa Kalki

Playa Kalki Westpunt Curaçao

See directions

Playa Kalki also known as Alice in Wonderland is tiny intimate beach. The name origins from the unique mushroom-shaped coral formations in the reef. It’s a wonderful and one of a kind place for diving and snorkel.

Bus route

From Otrobanda to Playa Kalki

Click here for the bus departure time tables, from Otrobanda and Punda

Bus 9A westpunt ( from Otrobanda)

  • Rodeweg - Jan Erasmusstraat 
  • Roodeweg - Piscaderaweg 
  • Weg naar Welgelegen - Charoweg 
  • Weg naar Welgelegen - Kaya Aura Winkel
  • Weg naar Welgelegen - Soeur Geradaweg 
  • Schottegatweg West - Amazoneweg 
  • Schottegatweg West - Paranaweg 
  • Souax 
  • Grote Berg 
  • Harmonie 
  • Daniel 
  • Landhuis Daniel
  • Tera Corá 
  • Landhuis Ascencion
  • Christoffel
  • Shete Boka Park
  • Zorgvliet
  • Westpunt


The bus drive is 1h and 30 minutes to the bus stop ‘’Westpunt’’, from there you have to walk a proximally 20 minutes to Playa Kalki,