Fort Nassau
Fort Nassauweg Willemstad Curaçao
Atop the Sablica Hill, 68 meters above the water of the surrounding Schottegat, stands historical Fort Nassau. Near the end of the year 1796 the owner of the Sablica Hill and the surrounding plantation, Mr. Hubertus Coerman, received a letter from the Military Committee of the Curaçao Council, announcing that a fort would be built on his property. To the discontent of the citizens it was also decided that they had to come up with the necessary funds to build the fort: sixty thousand guilders, an enormous amount in those days. Moreover the people had their doubts about the use of a defending fort, justly so as it turned out. The fort never played a very active part in the defense of the town. It had mostly a preventive function. Only on January 1st, 1807, the fort came into action against an English invasion, but to no effect.
Fort Nassau has a beautiful 360 degree view over part of the island and the city of Willemstad with the unique bridges that connect Punda and Otrobanda. At night a sea of lights stretches to the horizon offering a most spectacular view.